Do not die in your life with your dead

do not die in your life with your dead

Did you know that when your close ones die, you cry for yourself, not for them? You feel sad because you are losing them and not having them by your side. You believe death is the end of everything, and they are no longer with you. So if your close one is gone, where are they? Yes, they have moved on to another place. But the question is, is that place better than earth? Indeed, that location is superior to this. So, why should you suffer as a result of their departure once you have come to terms with the fact that they are no longer here but are instead still in a location which is superior to this one because they are no longer ill or in pain. When that happens, you will cease grieving for them and bring them back to your mind so they can continue to keep accompanying you in the joy of all that you live in your existence. If you genuinely loved them, you would love them again, but this time with extra power, purity, and more sincerity. And if you start doing that, there will not be any criticism of any type that is going forward. Only the essence of love will be between you and them. So, do not die in your life with your dead.

When you also die along with them, your soul will be absent, and your body will be present. It will make you very dull resulting in poor outcomes for whatever you do. So, instead of dying with your beloved ones, honor them by leading a life consistent with their wishes and allowing them to pass on. You continue to live.

We are repeating the above statement that do not die in your life with your dead. Living is one side of the coin, but the other side of the coin, which none have ever seen is death. Let us learn to see it as the second birth. We all go through this. It will be a new peaceful adventure. We are not condemning it, but we are merely attempting to point out that if we take a different perspective, we may be able to view the magnificent area of light where the dead are standing. Living and dying are on a single thread that can be seen from two angles.

The biggest loss in our lives is not death. It is what perishes within us while we are alive. The people who will manage the loss of loved ones elegantly are those who have truly, deeply loved each other.

Just ask yourself how the deceased could be truly dead while they are still alive in your soul. Always remember that whoever you hold in your heart is forever and always a part of you. The soul of the dead gets printed in the memory of the living.

Life tip

Those we love in our life never truly leave us. There are some things that nothing can touch.

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